Using Loggers

Logger and why should you care?

Logger illustration

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

There are times when developers need to log something to keep track of things, e.g, what went wrong (a.k.a error logs), auditing purpose and so on.

Fano Framework provides logging mechanism through ILogger interface. This interface exposes several methods:

  • log() to log messages in any levels.
  • emergency() to log emergency messages.
  • critical() to log critical messages.
  • error() to log error messages.
  • alert() to log alert messages.
  • warning() to log warning messages.
  • debug() to log debug messages.
  • notice() to log notice messages.
  • info() to log information messages.

Except log() method, all methods expect two parameter, first parameter is message to log and second parameter is data related to log message. This parameter is optional. If this second parameter is given, then it must implements ISerializeable interface.

For example to log critical message,

var logger : ILogger;
logger.critical('This is critical message');

Built-in logger

Fano Framework has several built-in loggers that developers can use or extend. All built-in loggers inherit from TAbstractLogger which provides most of method implementations except log() method which is an abstract method that descendant needs to implements. This class is mostly what developers need to extend in order to create new type of logger.

Log to system log

TSysLogLogger is logger implementation which write log to system log. See syslog(3) man page.

var logger : ILogger;
logger := TSysLogLogger.create();

Its constructor expects three optional parameters.

constructor TSysLogLogger.create(
    const prefix : string = '';
    const opt : integer = -1;
    const facility : integer = -1
  • prefix, string that is prefixed to all log messages,
  • opt, integer value for option. If not set, then by default it use LOG_NOWAIT or LOG_PID.
  • facility, integer value for facility. If not set, then by default it use LOG_USER.

See openlog(3) man page for more information.

Log to file

TFileLogger is logger implementation which write log to file. Its constructor expects filename where to write log. EInOutError exception will be triggered when filename can not be created or open for writing. In that case, make sure correct directory/file permission is given.

var logger : ILogger;
logger := TFileLogger.create('storages/logs/app.log');

Suppress logging

TNullLogger is logger implementation that does nothing. It is provided so developer can disable logging.

Logging to STDOUT

TStdOutLogger is logger implementation that will output log message to STDOUT. This logger can not be used in CGI application.

Logging to STDERR

TStdErrLogger is logger implementation that will output log message to STDERR.

Logging to Email

TMailLogger is logger implementation that will output log message as email. It requires instance of IMailer interface that will be responsible for sending email.

var logger : ILogger;
logger := TMailLogger.create(
    TSendmailMailer.create(), //send using sendmail
    '', //recipient
    'from@myapp.fano' //sender

TMailLogger constructor accepts fourth optional parameter which is prefix string that is prepended on email subject. To change how email subject and email body are composed, you can extends TMailLogger class and override its buildSubject() and buildMessage() protected methods.

Fano Mail Logger is an example web application that demonstrates how to log messages as email.

Logging to Database

TDbLogger is logger implementation that will output log message to database. It requires instance of IRdbms which responsible to do database operation. Read Database section for more information.

To be able to use this logger, you need to create a table with at least four columns to store level, message, log datetime and associated data related to log entry. For example,

    level VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
    msg VARCHAR(400) NOT NULL,
    created_at DATETIME NOT NULL,
    context TEXT NOT NULL

When create TDbLogger instance, you need to tell about table name and required fields,

logger := TDbLogger.create(
    'logs', //table name
    'level', //level column name
    'msg', //message column name
    'created_at', //log datetime
    'context' //context column name

Fano Db Logger is an example web application that demonstrates how to log to MySQL database.

Log to several medium

TCompositeLogger is logger implementation that is composed from external ILogger instances. It can be used to combine two or more loggers as one, thus creating more complex logging functionality. For example, to log to file and to log to RDBMS simultaneously.

var logger : ILogger;
logger := TCompositeLogger.create([
        'logs', //table name
        'level', //level column name
        'msg', //message column name
        'created_at', //log datetime
        'context' //context column name

Separate log based on level type

Sometime you may want to separate log based on level. For example, you may want to log non critical log message to separate file than critical one for easier audit. Or you need to disable logging for non critical log message but keep critical log.

TSegregatedLogger is logger implementation which suitable for this kind of logging scenario. This logger expects caller to provide four ILogger instances which will handle INFO, DEBUG, WARNING and CRITICAL log level respectively.

var logger : ILogger;
logger := TSegregatedLogger.create(

This way, each log type is written in separate file, thus make it easier to find, for example, critical log messages.

Should you need to disable logging INFO level message, you can replace with something like follows

var logger : ILogger;
logger := TSegregatedLogger.create(

Or you may want to combine INFO, DEBUG into one file and WARNING, CRITICAL log message as other file.

var logger, infoDebug, warningCritical : ILogger;
infoDebug := TFileLogger.create('storages/logs/app.infodebug.log'),
warningCritical := TFileLogger.create('storages/logs/app.warningcritical.log'),
logger := TSegregatedLogger.create(

Logging in background thread

Some logger implementation takes time to complete such as TMailLogger. To avoid blocking main thread, you can write log in background thread using TBackgroundThreadLogger. Following example makes write log to email happens in background thread.

var logger : ILogger;
logger := TBackgroundThreadLogger.create(
        TSendmailMailer.create(), //send using sendmail
        '', //recipient
        'from@myapp.fano' //sender

Factory class for built-in loggers

Fano Framework provides some factory class for built-in loggers so they can be registered in dependency container easily. Following factories are available:

  • TFileLoggerFactory, factory class for TFileLogger.
  • TNullLoggerFactory, factory class for TNullLogger.
  • TCompositeLoggerFactory, factory class for TCompositeLogger.
  • TSegregatedLoggerFactory, factory class for TSegregatedLogger.
  • TStdOutLoggerFactory, factory class for TStdOutLogger.
  • TStdErrLoggerFactory, factory class for TStdErrLogger.
  • TSysLogLoggerFactory, factory class for TSysLogLogger.
  • TDbLoggerFactory, factory class for TDbLogger.
  • TMailLoggerFactory, factory class for TMailLogger.
  • TBackgroundThreadLoggerFactory, factory class for TBackgroundThreadLogger.

Register TFileLogger

For example, to register TFileLogger in dependency container:

var container : IDependencyContainer;
container.add('logger', TFileLoggerFactory.create('storages/logs/app.log'));

Register TNullLogger

To register TNullLogger,

container.add('logger', TNullLoggerFactory.create());

Register TStdOutLogger

To register TStdOutLogger,

container.add('logger', TStdOutLoggerFactory.create());

Register TStdErrLogger

To register TStdErrLogger,

container.add('logger', TStdErrLoggerFactory.create());

Register TCompositeLogger

To register TCompositeLogger,


Register TSysLogLogger

To register TSysLogLogger,


Register TDbLogger

To register TDbLogger,

container.add('db', TMySqlDbFactory.create(
    'mysql 5.7',
    '[replace with database name]',
    '[replace with username]',
    '[replace with password]',
container.add('logger', TDbLoggerFactory.create().rdbmsSvcName('db'));

rdbmsSvcName() is used to tell factory where to look for IRdbms instance.

Code above assume using table name logs, with column level, msg, created_at and context.

To use different table name or column names,


Register TMailLogger

To register TMailLogger,

container.add('mailer', TSendmailMailerFactory.create());

mailer() is used to tell factory where to look for IMailer instance. To set prefix to email subject use prefix() method like so,

        .prefix('My App')

Register TBackgroundThreadLogger

To register TBackgroundThreadLogger,


Register logger dependencies

You can automate registering logger dependencies when scaffolding project with Fano CLI.

Retrieve ILogger instance from container

After logger factory is registered, you can access logger anywhere from application as shown in following code.

var logger : ILogger;
logger := container.get('logger') as ILogger;

or with array-like syntax

logger := container['logger'] as ILogger;

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