Dependency Container

Why dependency container?

Fano Framework is designed to be extensible. It uses class composition heavily. Instead of classes with deep inheritance, many complex classes in this framework depend on one or more classes that do simple thing.

Because of this, creating instance of a class may require us to create other classes instance that it requires. Some classes may share same dependency to same class, some classes may not. Some classes need same instance of other class instance, while some other may requires new instance.

This task grows in complexity when scope of problem grows. So we need to provide a way to manage dependencies between software components in application.

Container, factory and its service

Dependency container, or simply container, is software component that manages any software components (a.k.a, service). In Fano Framework, dependency container implementation must implements IDependencyContainer interface.

The services are registered into dependency container during service registration which later can be queried to retrieve service instance.

During service registration, a service name is associated with a factory class that must implements IDependencyFactory interface that will be responsible to create the required service.

For a service to be able to work with IDependencyContainer implementation, it must implements IDependency interface. IDependency does not declare any methods. So following declaration is suffice.

TMyClass = class(TInterfacedObject, IDependency);

Fano Framework comes with base class TInjectableObject that implements IDependency interface.

Service registration

To register a service, dependency container provides two method add() and factory(). Both methods expects two parameters, shortstring value of service name and instance of IDependencyFactory responsible for creating service. You can use any value for service identifier string. If same identifier is already registered, it will overwrite previous IDependencyFactory. See Single vs multiple instance section for explanation of both methods.

For example, following code registers service factory TSimpleRouterFactory with name router. This factory class will create TRouter class.

var container : IDependencyContainer;
container.add('router', TSimpleRouterFactory.create());

You can also use alternative way

container.add(GUIDToString(IRouteMatcher), TSimpleRouterFactory.create());

Retrieve service instance from dependency container

Later, to get instance of router from container,

var inst : IDependency;
inst := container.get('router');

In Fano Framework, get() method of IDependencyContainer always returns IDependency interface instance. So you need to convert it to its correct type before you can use it.

var router : IRouteMatcher;
router := inst as IRouteMatcher;

or simply,

var router : IRouteMatcher;
router := container.get('router') as IRouteMatcher;

or if use GUID string as service name

var router : IRouteMatcher;
router := container.get(GUIDToString(IRouteMatcher)) as IRouteMatcher;

When get() can not find service, it raises EDependencyNotFound exception. If service is registered but with nil factory class, EInvalidFactory exception is raised.

You can also use simplified array-like syntax, for example

router := container['router'] as IRouteMatcher;


router :=['router'] as IRouteMatcher;

Test if service is registered

Dependency container provides has() method which return boolean value that can be used to check if particular service is registered or not.

if (container.has('router')) then
   //router is registered, do something

Single vs multiple instance

When a service is registered using add() method, it is registered as single instance service. So every time a service is queried, container returns same instance.

In following example router1 and router2 will point to same instance.

container.add('router', TSimpleRouteCollectionFactory.create());
var router1, router2 : IRouteMatcher;
router1 := container.get('router') as IRouteMatcher;
router2 := container.get('router') as IRouteMatcher;

When a service is registered using factory() method, it is registered as multiple instance services. So every time a service is queried, container returns different instance. In code below, router1 and router2 will point to different instance.

container.factory('router', TSimpleRouteCollectionFactory.create());
var router1, router2 : IRouteMatcher;
router1 := container.get('router') as IRouteMatcher;
router2 := container.get('router') as IRouteMatcher;

Adding service alias

Dependency container provides method alias() to register new name for an existing service. This method expects two parameters. First parameter is new name for existing service, and second parameter identifies existing service to be aliased. It raises EDependencyAlias exception when first and second parameter is same or when you try to create alias to other aliased service.

For example, if you have service registered as follows,

container.add(GUIDToString(IRouteMatcher), TSimpleRouterFactory.create());

You can create alias for above service as follows,

container.alias(GUIDToString(IRouter), GUIDToString(IRouteMatcher));

Then you can retrieve instance using

   router : IRouter;
   routeMatcher : IRouteMatcher;
router := container.get(GUIDToString(IRouter)) as IRouter;
routeMatcher := container.get(GUIDToString(IRouteMatcher)) as IRouteMatcher;

Both router and routeMatcher will point to same class instance.

However, if you have service registered as multipe instances,

container.factory(GUIDToString(IRouteMatcher), TSimpleRouterFactory.create());

router and routeMatcher will point to different instance.

Built-in dependency container

Fano Framework comes with built-in dependency container,

  • TDependencyContainer, this is basic dependency container which store service registration in hash list.

Of course, you are free to implements your own dependency container, as long as it implements IDependencyContainer interface.

Circular dependency issue

Circular dependency issue arises when a service depends on itself, directly or indirectly. For example, A needs B, B needs C, C needs A.

This causes unterminated recursion. Fano Framework will raise ECircularDependency exception to prevent such condition.

Following example shows circular dependency condition, which will trigger ECircularDependency exception.

function cntr : IDependencyContainer) : IDependency;
    result := cntr['homeCtrl'];
container.add('homeCtrl', THomeCtrlFactory.create());
router.get('/', container['homeCtrl'] as IRequestHandler);

If you are in circular dependency situation, you need to rethink about your application architecture.

Auto-wire dependency

Auto-wire dependency is not yet implemented.

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