Identifying Client User-Agent

About User-Agent

Most standard browsers will send identification string with each request header so that application running on server can use it to identify client browser, platform and device type. This is useful, for example, if you want to serve different page layout if user is using mobile device.

User-agent identification string is not reliable as they can be changed rather easily so that identification may yield false result.

IUserAgent interface

To abstract away user-agent identification functionality implementation, IUserAgent interface is introduced. It is a contract for any class having capability to handle user-agent identification.

This interface provides methods to set and retrieve user-agent string and to retrive instance of several utility interfaces.

IClientDevice interface

Interface of any class having capability to identify client device such mobile device or desktop computer. To retrieve IClientDevice instance, use getDevice() method of IUserAgent interface.

IClientBrowser interface

Interface of any class having capability to identify client browser such Chrome or Firefox. To retrieve IClientBrowser instance, use getBrowser() method of IUserAgent interface.

IClientOS interface

Interface of any class having capability to identify client operating system such as Android or iOS. To retrieve IClientOS instance, use getOS() method of IUserAgent interface.

Setting up IUserAgent instance

Current implementation of IInterface interface only supports one implementation through class TUserAgent. To use it, register its factory class with container.

container.factory('ua', TUserAgentFactory.create());

to retrieve IUserAgent instance,

var ua : IUserAgent;
ua := container['ua'] as IUserAgent;

Set user-agent string

Before you can identify client user-agent, you need to set user-agent string to instance of IUserAgent. User-agent of each request can be read from IRequest instance.

ua.userAgent := request.headers().getHeader('User-Agent');


ua.userAgent := request.env.httpUserAgent();

Detecting if client is using mobile device

Use isMobile() method of IClientDevice interface to test if client is using mobile device.

var dev : IClientDevice;
dev := ua.getDevice();
if dev.isMobile() then
    //client using mobile device

Detecting client browser

Use isBrowser() method or browser property of IClientBrowser interface to test client browser.

var browserInst : IClientBrowser;
browserInst := ua.getBrowser();
if browserInst.browser['Chrome'] then
    //client using Chrome browser

if browserInst.browser['Firefox'] then
    //client using Firefox browser

Detecting client operating system

Use isOS() method or OS property of IClientOS interface to test client operating system.

var osInst : IClientOS;
osInst := ua.getOS();
if osInst.OS['AndroidOS'] then
    //client using Android device

if osInst.OS['iOS'] then
    //client using iOS device

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