Helper functions

About Helper function

Helper illustration (Photo by Austin Kehmeier on Unsplash)

Fano Framework provides helper functions to simplify common tasks such as generate slug string, join string with delimiter or read file content.

All helpers functions are declared in fano.pas unit.

Read file content to string

readFile() reads file content and output it as string. It accepts one parameter file path of filename to load.

 * read file to string
 * @param filepath file to load
 * @returns contents of file as string
function readFile(const filepath : string) : string;

Please note, it may consume a lot of memories if file size is big.

var fileContent : string;

fileContent := readFile('/tmp/myfile');

Join array of string as string

join() function concatenates array of string as a single string with delimiter.

 * join array of string with a delimiter
 * @param delimiter string to separate each
 * @param values array of string to join
function join(const delimiter : string; const values : array of string) : string;

For example

var joinedStr : string;

//joinedStr = 'hello#good#people';
joinedStr := join('#', ['hello', 'good', 'people']);

Generate slug

slug() function generates string consists of alpha numeric characters separated by dash characters and strips everything else.

 * generate slug
 * @param originalStr input string
 * @return slug
function slug(const originalStr : string) : string;

For example

var slugStr : string;

//slugStr = 'hello-good-people';
slugStr := slug('hello    good  @##@$$@$people']);

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