Creating Hello World SCGI web application With Fano CLI

In this step by step tutorial, we are going to create a simple SCGI web application which displays greeting message using Fano CLI. Read Scaffolding with Fano CLI for more information.

Who is this tutorial for?

This tutorial is written for anyone new to Fano Framework. It is assumed that you have proficiency with Free Pascal and its language syntax. You are familiar with Linux command and and its shell terminal.


Create Project

Make sure that all requirements are met. To create a SCGI project, run

$ fanocli --project-scgi=Hello

Wait until new project is created. If everything is ok, your project will be created inside Hello directory. Change active directory to Hello directory.

$ cd Hello

All actions below are assumed to take place inside Hello directory.

Build application


$ ./

Wait until compilation is finished.

Setup web server configuration


$ sudo fanocli --deploy-scgi=hello-scgi.fano

Run application


$ ./bin/app.cgi

Access application from browser

Open web browser and go to http://hello-scgi.fano. You should see Fano Application Error page. It is normal as you have not create any route to handle the request.

Create a controller


$ fanocli --controller=Home --route=/

Command above will create HomeController.pas in src/App/Home/Controllers and register route / so you will be able to access it via URL http://hello-scgi.fano/. Please note that, without --route parameter, by default Fano CLI register route /home.

Rebuild application by running,

$ ./

After compilation is finished, run application and then open web browser and go to http://hello-scgi.fano. You should see text Home controller printed. Congratulations, your application is working.


In this tutorial, you have learned how to use Fano CLI to

  • Setup SCGI web application project directory with Fano Framework,
  • Deploy application with Apache web server,
  • Create controller,
  • Create default route.

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