HTTP Authentication

Basic Authentication

Besides usual web application form-based authentication, developer can use authentication mechanism that is provided by HTTP protocol as described in RFC 2617.

Currently, Fano Framework supports Basic and Digest HTTP authentication scheme only.

Handling Basic Authentication with middleware

Fano Framework provides implementation for basic type HTTP authentication with TBasicAuthMiddleware middleware with purpose to simplify task to protect access of certain routes using HTTP authentication.

Read Middlewares for more information about working with middlewares.

Constructor of TBasicAuthMiddleware expects two parameters,

  • Instance of IAuth interface which is responsible to perform actual authentication, for example, reading database for existence of credential being check.
  • String of realm name.

TStaticCredentialsAuth is built-in IAuth implementation which test credential against array of allowed credentials.

Developer can create their own custom authentication by implementing IAuth interface and inject it to TBasicAuthMiddleware constructor.

How Basic Auth middleware works

Everytime a user tries to access route that is protected with TBasicAuthMiddleware middleware, user Internet browser, initially does not know that this route requires authentication, thus will cause our application to response with HTTP 401 error code and header WWW-Authenticate set with value of Basic realm="[realm name]".

Upon receiving this response, browser will prompt user to provide their credential. The supplied credential are then sent back to our application thorough Authorization request header with value,

Authorization: Basic ["username:password" base64 encoded string]

For username hello and password world, Base64 encoded of string hello:world is aGVsbG86d29ybGQ=.

Authorization: Basic aGVsbG86d29ybGQ=

If credential is valid, our middleware continues to execute next middleware and eventually controller. If credential is not valid, our middleware returns same HTTP 401 response.

Register Basic Authentication middleware with container

Fano Framework has TStaticCredentialsBasicAuthMiddlewareFactory class which allows you to register TBasicAuthMiddleware using TStaticCredentialsAuth into service container.

        .addCredential('hello@fano', 'world')
        .addCredential('hi@fano', 'nice')

Above code simplifies and does same thing as following code

var authMw : IMiddleware;
    allowedCredentials : TCredentials;
setlength(allowedCredentials, 2);
allowedCredentials[0].username = 'hello@fano';
allowedCredentials[0].password = 'world';
allowedCredentials[1].username = 'hi@fano';
allowedCredentials[1].password = 'nice';

authMw := TBasicAuthMiddleware.create(

Where TCredentials is declared as follows,


    TCredential = record
        username : string;
        password : string;

        //user-related data
        data : pointer;

    TCredentials = array of TCredential;

Register dispatcher with middleware support.

You need to use TDispatcher class which support middlewares.

container.add('appMiddlewares', TMiddlewareListFactory.create());

        container['appMiddlewares'] as IMiddlewareLinkList,

Attach Basic Auth middleware to application routes

Attach basic auth middleware instance to application routes, for example

router.get('/', container['homeController'] as IRequestHandler)
    .add(container['basicAuthMiddleware'] as IMiddleware);

Handling Digest Authentication with middleware

Fano Framework provides implementation for digest type HTTP authentication with TDigestAuthMiddleware middleware with purpose to simplify task to protect access of certain routes using Digest HTTP authentication scheme.

Constructor of TDigestAuthMiddleware expects three parameters,

  • Instance of IRandom interface which is responsible to generate random value.
  • Instance of IAuth interface which is responsible to perform actual authentication, for example, reading database for existence of credential being check.
  • String of realm name.

TDigestStaticCredentialsAuth is built-in IAuth implementation which test credential against array of allowed credentials.

Developer can create their own custom authentication by implementing IAuth interface and inject it to TDigestAuthMiddleware constructor.

Register Digest Authentication middleware with container

Fano Framework has TStaticCredentialsDigestAuthMiddlewareFactory class which allows you to register TDigestAuthMiddleware using TDigestStaticCredentialsAuth into service container.

        .addCredential('hello@fano', 'world')
        .addCredential('hi@fano', 'nice')

Attach Digest Auth middleware to application routes

Attach digest auth middleware instance to application routes, for example

router.get('/', container['homeController'] as IRequestHandler)
    .add(container['digestAuthMiddleware'] as IMiddleware);

Handling Bearer Authentication with middleware

Fano Framework provides implementation for bearer type HTTP authentication with TBearerAuthMiddleware middleware with purpose to simplify task to protect access of certain routes using Bearer HTTP authentication scheme.

Constructor of TBearerAuthMiddleware expects three parameters,

  • Instance of ITokenVerifier interface which is responsible to perform actual token verification.
  • String of realm name.
  • String of credential key name where authenticated credential can be queried from request.

Currently, Fano Framework supports JSON Web Token (JWT) verification only, via TJwtTokenVerifier class which implements ITokenVerifier interface.

After token is verified, credential info found in token is stored in request which later can be queried in controller using name you defined in credential key name.

Register Bearer Authentication middleware with container

Fano Framework has TBearerAuthMiddlewareFactory class which allows you to register TBearerAuthMiddleware into service container.

        .verifier(container['tokenVerifier'] as ITokenVerifier)

Attach Bearer Auth middleware to application routes

Attach bearer auth middleware instance to application routes, for example

router.get('/', container['homeController'] as IRequestHandler)
    .add(container['bearerAuth'] as IMiddleware);

In code above, for each GET request to URL /, middleware will check token existence and verify if it is found. If token is not found or not verified, it returns HTTP 401 response with WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="[realm name]" header, where [realm name] is realm that you set above.

When token is verified, credential found from token can be read from request in controller with credential key you set before, i.e, fano_cred.

function THomeController.handleRequest(
    const request : IRequest;
    const response : IResponse;
    const args : IRouteArgsReader
) : IResponse;
var username : string;
    username := request.getParam('fano_cred');
    response.body().write('Hello ' + username);
    result := response;

Security consideration

For Basic HTTP authentication scheme, username and password is transmitted as Base64-encoded string. It is prone to man in middle attack and it is must be used in conjunction with SSL/TLS.

Digest HTTP authentication scheme is more computation expensive but can be used with or without SSL/TLS because password and other data is sent to server as MD5 hashed value. However, because MD5 hash is not cryptographically strong, you need to be cautious when use it without SSL/TLS.

For Bearer HTTP authentication, token is credential. It must be used in conjunction with SSL/TLS to avoid man in middle attack. Token may or may not be encrypted. If you use unencrypted JWT token, do not store sensitive data in token.

To address when token is leaked to third party, You can combine short-lived token with short expiry time (access token) and login-lived token (refresh token). When access token is expired, client must get new access token from authentication server using refresh token. If refresh token is expired then client session is ended. To get new refresh token and access token, client must login again using username password.

Missing Authorization header

If your application is running behind reverse proxy, for example, with mod_proxy_scgi module, Apache does not pass Authorization header to application because of security concern. This will cause all middlewares above return HTTP 401 as they can not find this header.

In case, you have trusted network between Apache and your application, simple solution is to transform Authorization header into HTTP_AUTHORIZATION environment variable using mod_rewrite module. You can add it in application virtual host configuration file.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]

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