Built-in Validation Rules

This page lists all available built-in validation rules that Fano Framework provides. For information on how to use these validation rules in application, please read Form Validation documentation.

Accepted After date time After date time field
Alpha Alpha Num Alpha num dash
Alpha num space Always pass And
Anti virus Any of Base64
Before date time Before date time field Boolean
Case insensitive equal string Color Collective
Confirmed Composite Currency
Date Date time Directory
Dword Email Equal string
Equal length Equal date time Equal integer
Even integer Float Greater than
In IPv4 Int64
Less than Max integer Max length
Min integer Min length Negative integer
Numeric Integer In integer
Not in integer Odd integer Present
Positive integer Qword Required
Required if Time Url
Slug File Not
Uploaded file Uploaded Mime Uploaded size
File format Image PNG Image JPG
Image GIF Regex Or
Same UUID Exists
Phone Start With End With
Latitude Longitude Between
Less or equal than Greater or equal than At least one alpha
At least one lower alpha At least one upper alpha At least one digit
At least one symbol Mixed capitalization -

Field availability

Following validators test if field is present.


Field must be present and not empty.

var rule : IValidator;
rule := TRequiredValidator.create();


Field must be present but allowed to be empty.

rule := TPresentValidator.create();


Field must be present and not empty if other field passes validation.

var rule : IValidator;
rule := TRequiredIfValidator.create(
    TInValidator.create(['foo', 'bar'])

Field being validated becomes mandatory field only if other-field value is equal to foo or bar.

Complex rule can be achieved by composing several validation rules.

var rule : IValidator;
rule := TRequiredIfValidator.create(
        TNotInValidator.create(['foo', 'bar'])

Field being validated becomes mandatory field, only if other-field value is not equal to foo or bar and at least 8 characters.

Character format


Data must be alphabet character only. This class expect instance of IRegex interface.

rule := TAlphaValidator.create(TRegex.create());


Data must be alphabet and numeric character only.

rule := TAlphaNumValidator.create(TRegex.create());


Data must be alphabet, numeric and space character only.

rule := TAlphaNumSpaceValidator.create(TRegex.create());


Data must be alphabet, numeric and dash character only.

rule := TAlphaNumDashValidator.create(TRegex.create());


Data must be in valid email format. This validator does not check if email address actually exists.

rule := TEmailValidator.create(TRegex.create());


Data must be in valid URL format. This validator does not check if URL address actually exists.

rule := TUrlValidator.create(TRegex.create());


Data must be in slug format.

rule := TSlugValidator.create(TRegex.create());

This validator will give result as shown in following example input,

'my-slug-title' ==> pass
'my-slug-title-1' ==> pass
'1-my-slug-title' ==> pass
'-my-slug-title' ==> fail
'my-slug-title-' ==> fail
'my-slug--title' ==> fail


Data must be in phone number format.

rule := TPhoneValidator.create(TRegex.create());

This validator will give result as shown in following example input,

'081123456' ==> pass
'081-1234-56-7' ==> pass
'(081)-1234-56-7' ==> pass
'081-12-34-567' ==> pass
'a0811234567' ==> fail
'081-1234-56-7a' ==> fail


Data must be in Base64-encoded string format.

rule := TBase64Validator.create();


Data must start with a string value.

rule := TStartWithValidator.create('Hello');

This validator will give result as shown in following example input,

'Hello' ==> pass
'HelloWorld' ==> pass
'Hello Hello' ==> pass
'myHello' ==> fail
'hello' ==> fail
'hello world' ==> fail


Data must end with a string value.

rule := TEndWithValidator.create('Hello');

This validator will give result as shown in following example input,

'Hello' ==> pass
'myHello' ==> pass
'Hello Hello' ==> pass
'Hello ' ==> fail
'Hello world' ==> fail
'hello world' ==> fail


Data must be in format as specified by regular expression pattern.

rule := TRegexValidator.create(
    'Field %s does not match regular expression'

Parameters are IRegex instance, regular expression pattern and error message. %s will be replaced with field name being validated.

Constant string equality


Data must match predefined constant string. For example, data being validated must equals string test to pass validation.

rule := TEqualStrValidator.create('test');


Data must match predefined constant string in case-insensitive manner. For example, data being validated can equal to test, Test, teSt to pass validation.

rule := TCaseInsensitiveEqualStrValidator.create('test');

String length


Data must be string with its length is equal to predefined value. For example, data being validated must contains exactly 10 characters to pass validation.

rule := TEqualLengthValidator.create(10);


Data must be string with its length not less than predefined value.

rule := TMinLengthValidator.create(10);


Data must be string with its length not greater than predefined value.

rule := TMaxLengthValidator.create(10);

Numeric data


Data must be integer value.

rule := TIntegerValidator.create();


Data must be int64 value.

rule := TInt64Validator.create();


Data must be dword value.

rule := TDwordValidator.create();


Data must be qword value.

rule := TQwordValidator.create();


Data must be float value.

rule := TFloatValidator.create();


Data must be currency value.

rule := TCurrencyValidator.create();


Data must be integer or float value.

rule := TNumericValidator.create();


Data must be integer value and its value not less than predefined value.

rule := TMinIntegerValidator.create(100);

Validation will pass only if you pass integer value >= 100.


Data must be integer value and not greater than predefined value.

rule := TMaxIntegerValidator.create(100);

Validation will pass only if you pass integer value <= 100.

TLessThanValidator, TFloatLessThanValidator, TCurrLessThanValidator

Data must be integer value less than predefined value.

rule := TLessThanValidator.create(100);

Validation will pass only if you pass integer value < 100.

To validate floating-point or currency value use TFloatLessThanValidator or TCurrLessThanValidator respectively as shown below.

rule := TFloatLessThanValidator.create(100.5);

Validation will pass only if you pass float value less than 100.5.

TLessOrEqualThanValidator, TFloatLessOrEqualThanValidator, TCurrLessOrEqualThanValidator

Similar to TLessThanValidator above except it uses <= comparison.

TGreaterThanValidator, TFloatGreaterThanValidator, TCurrGreaterThanValidator

Data must be integer value greater than predefined value.

rule := TGreaterThanValidator.create(100);

Validation will pass only if you pass integer value > 100.

To validate floating-point or currency value use TFloatGreaterThanValidator or TCurrGreaterThanValidator respectively as shown below.

rule := TFloatGreaterThanValidator.create(100.5);

Validation will pass only if you pass float value greater than 100.5.

TGreaterOrEqualThanValidator, TFloatGreaterOrEqualThanValidator, TCurrGreaterOrEqualThanValidator

Similar to TGreaterThanValidator above except it uses >= comparison.

TBetweenValidator, TFloatBetweenValidator, TCurrBetweenValidator

Data must be integer value between predefined low and high value.

rule := TBetweenValidator.create(50, 100);

Validation will pass only if you pass integer value >=50 and <= 100.

To validate floating-point or currency value use TFloatBetweenValidator or TCurrBetweenValidator respectively as shown below.

rule := TFloatBetweenValidator.create(50.5, 100.5);

Validation will pass only if you pass float value value >=50.5 and <= 100.5.


Data must be integer value equals predefined value.

rule := TEqualIntValidator.create(100);

Validation will pass only if you pass integer equals 100.


Data must be positive integer value.

rule := TPositiveIntValidator.create();


Data must be negative integer value.

rule := TNegativeIntValidator.create();


Data must be odd integer value.

rule := TOddIntValidator.create();


Data must be even integer value.

rule := TEvenIntValidator.create();

Boolean data


Data must be boolean value

rule := TBooleanValidator.create();


Data must be boolean value true, or integer 1 or string yes or string on. This is mostly to be used for accepting “Terms and Conditions”.

rule := TAcceptedValidator.create();

Ranged data


Data must be one of predefined string values.

rule := TInValidator.create(['foo', 'bar']);

Validation will pass only if its value equals to foo or bar.


Data must be one of predefined integer values.

rule := TInIntValidator.create([1, 2, 3]);

Validation will pass only if its value equals to 1, 2 or 3.


Data must not be one of predefined values.

rule := TNotInValidator.create(['foo', 'bar']);

Validation will pass only if its value is not equal to foo or bar.

Date and time


Data must be valid date

rule := TDateValidator.create();


Data must be valid date time.

rule := TDateTimeValidator.create();


Data must be valid time.

rule := TTimeValidator.create();


Data must be date time and its value must equal predefined value.

rule := TEqualDateTimeValidator.create(date());


Data must be date time and its value must be later than predefined value.

rule := TAfterDateTimeValidator.create(date());


Data must be date time and its value must be prior than predefined value.

rule := TBeforeDateTimeValidator.create(date());


This validation rule is similar to TAfterDateTimeValidator but it compares against other field instead of predefined value.

rule := TAfterDateTimeFieldValidator.create('event-start-date');

Above rule makes current field passes validation only if its value is later than the value in event-start-date field.


This validation rule is similar to TBeforeDateTimeValidator but it compares against other field instead of predefined value.

rule := TBeforeDateTimeFieldValidator.create('event-end-date');

Above rule makes current field passes validation only if its value is prior than the value in event-end-date field.

File and Directory


Data must be name of file which exists.

rule := TFileValidator.create('images/image.jpg');


Data must be name of directory which exists.

rule := TDirectoryValidator.create('images');

Uploaded file


Field must be valid uploaded file.

rule := TUploadedFileValidator.create();


Field must be valid uploaded file and its content type must be one of predefined MIME types.

rule := TUploadedMimeValidator.create(['image/jpg', 'image/png']);

Please note that this validation rule does not check if file uploaded is actually JPEG/PNG image.


Field must be valid uploaded file and its file size must be less or equal predefined size in bytes. For example to restrict that uploaded file size must not exceed 200KB.

rule := TUploadedSizeValidator.create(200 * 1024);


Abstract class which validate uploaded file against certain file format.

TImagePngValidator, TImageJpgValidator, TImageGifValidator

Validation rules inherit from TFileFormatValidator which validate uploaded file against PNG, JPEG and GIF image format. Please note these classes only do fast check on first few bytes of file to determine its format and without loading whole file.

Validate field that must be uploaded file with PNG image format

rule := TImagePngValidator.create();

Validate field that must be uploaded file with JPEG image format

rule := TImageJpgValidator.create();

Validate field that must be uploaded file with GIF image format

rule := TImageGifValidator.create();


Field must be valid uploaded file and must be free from computer virus. Current implementation supports ClamAV via clamav-daemon and null implementation only.


Previous implementation which uses libclamav directly is removed due to unstable code.

To use ClamAV, you need to install ClamAV antivirus and its daemon on server. For example

$ sudo apt-get install clamav clamav-daemon

Run clamav-daemon service,

$ sudo systemctl start clamav-daemon

Create validator as follows,

rule := TAntivirusValidator.create(

where /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl is default unix domain socket file where clamav-daemon is listening. To listen using TCP socket, use,

rule := TAntivirusValidator.create(
    TLocalClamdAv.create('', 3310)

TLocalClamdAv works by sending absolute file path. It assumes that ClamAV daemon is running on same machine as our application, thus, can read uploaded file directly.

If daemon is running on different machine than application, it can not read file directly, so you can not use TLocalClamdAv and must use TClamdAv. TClamdAv works by sending content of file to daemon, thus more expensive in term of network operation but more flexible as it allows daemon to run on different machine than application.

rule := TAntivirusValidator.create(

Listening on TCP socket by default is disabled in configuration. You can inspect current ClamAV configuration by running clamconf command. Read ClamAV configuration for information on how to configure it.

To safely test antivirus validator, use Eicar virus sample test file. It does not contain actual virus so it is safe, but many anti virus vendors agree to report it as virus. ClamAV will report it with virus signature Eicar-Test-Signature. Read Eicar test file for more information.

Please note that virus scanning is expensive task especially if you handle big file. You should think carefully about performance when using this validator.


To use null implementation, use TNullAv class.

rule := TAntivirusValidator.create(TNullAv.create());

This is provided to bypass antivirus scanning.


Validate string contains at least one alphabet character.


Validate string contains at least one lower case alphabet character.


Validate string contains at least one upper case alphabet character.


Validate string contains at least one digit character.


Validate string contains at least one symbol character (e.g., #$@!%^&*+-_ etc).


Validate string contains at least one lower case and one upper case alphabet characters.

For example, following validation rules ensure that password is mandatory with minimum length of 8 characters that contains at least one lower case letter, one upper case letter, one digit character and one symbol character.

passwordRule := TCompositeValidator.create([



Validator class which combined one or more validators as one. For example to make field to become mandatory and alpha numeric dash characters only, with length between 8 and 10,

rule := TCompositeValidator.create([

Please note that order of validator in array matters as validation is carried out starting from first validation rule in the array and to next rule. As soon as validator fails, next validator will not be called and error message reported is last failed validation rule error message.


It is similar to TCompositeValidator, except that, instead of terminating validation process as soon as one of validation rule fails, it continues to process all validation rules and collects all failed validation rule messages.

rule := TCollectiveValidator.create([


It is similar to TCollectiveValidator, except that, it uses boolean operator OR when test each validator, thus it returns false only when all external validators are failed and returns true if one or more validators are succeeded.

rule := TOrValidator.create([


Alias of TOrValidator.


It is alias of TCompositeValidator.

rule := TAndValidator.create([


Decorator validator class which negate other validator.

rule := TNotValidator.create(
    'Field %s must not be integer value',

Validation will pass as long as data is not integer value. To negate several validators, you can combine them with TCompositeValidator.

rule := TNotValidator.create(
    'Field %s must not be integer or boolean value',

Validation will pass as long as data is not integer value and not boolean value.


Data must equal to other predefined field. This is mostly to be used for password confirmation.

rule := TConfirmedValidator.create('password_confirmation');

Validation will pass if current data is equal to data in field password_confirmation.


This is alias for TConfirmedValidator. It passes validation if other field has same value as field being validated.

rule := TSameValidator.create('password_confirmation');


Data must be in valid GUID string.

rule := TUuidValidator.create();


Data must exist in database. Its constructor expects three parameters, instance of IRdbms interface representing database connection, table name and column name.

var db : IRdbms;
db := TMySQLDb.create('MySQL 5.7');
db.connect('localhost', 'your_db_name', 'your_db_username', 'yoursecretpassword', 3306);
rule := TExistsValidator.create(db, 'table_users', 'user_id');

Above code will actually execute SQL as follows

SELECT `user_id` FROM `table_users` WHERE user_id = :primaryId LIMIT 1

where primaryId placeholder will be replace with actual data being validated. Read Working with Database for more information.


Dummy validator which always make field passes validation.

rule := TAlwaysPassValidator.create();


Data must be valid IP address (IPv4).

rule := TIpv4Validator.create();


Data must be valid IP address (IPv6).

rule := TIpv6Validator.create();


Data must be valid MAC address.

rule := TMAcAddrValidator.create(TRegex.create());


Data must be valid JSON.

rule := TJsonValidator.create();


Data must be valid hex color value such as #ffffff or #fff.

rule := TColorValidator.create(TRegex.create());


Data must be valid latitude float value.

rule := TLatitudeValidator.create();


Data must be valid longitude float value.

rule := TLongitudeValidator.create();


Abstract class which can be uses as a base class to create new custom validation rule. To inherit from this class, you need to implements its isValidData() method.

function isValidData(
    const dataToValidate : string;
    const dataCollection : IList;
    const request : IRequest
) : boolean; virtual; abstract;
  • dataToValidate will contain actual data of current field being validated.
  • dataCollection will contain list of key value pair of all query strings and POST body of request.
  • request will contain current request object, in case you need to more informations.

Your implementation must return true if validation should pass or false otherwise.


Abstract class which can be used as base class which has the ability to compare current field against other field. To inherit from this class, you need to implements its compare() method.

function compare(
    const dataToValidate : string;
    const otherFieldData : string
) : boolean; virtual; abstract;
  • dataToValidate will contain actual data of current field being validated.
  • dataCollection will contain actual data of other field being compared.

Your implementation must return true if validation should pass or false otherwise.

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