Deployment as CGI application

Deploy with Fano CLI

Simplest way to setup Fano web application with web server is to deploy CGI application with Fano CLI, run with --deploy-cgi=[domain name].

Inside Fano web application project directory, run

$ sudo fanocli

Command above, will create virtual host for Apache web server, enabled virtual host configuration, reload Apache web server configuration and add entry to domain in /etc/hosts.

Because nginx does not support running CGI program, when you use --web-server=nginx, it does nothing.

Skip adding domain name entry in /etc/hosts

By default --deploy-cgi parameter will cause domain name entry is added in /etc/hosts file. You may want to setup domain name with DNS server manually or you do not want to mess up with /etc/hosts file. You can avoid it by adding --skip-etc-hosts parameter.

$ sudo fanocli --skip-etc-hosts

Generate virtual host config to standard output

If you want to generate virtual host configuration without actually modifying web server configuration, you can use --stdout command line option. This option will generate virtual host configuration and print it to standard output. It is useful if you want to deploy configuration manually.

Because it will not change any web server configuration, you do not need to run it with root privilege. So following code is suffice.

$ fanocli --stdout


This section explains how to deploy web application as CGI application on Apache web server.

Dedicated server

This section explains how to deploy server that you have full control and administrative privilege (aka root access).

Debian-based Linux

  • Create virtual host by adding Apache configuration file inside /etc/apache2/sites-available and put
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin [[server administrator email]]
    ServerName [[fano application hostname]]

    DocumentRoot "[[/path/to/fano/app/public]]"

    <Directory "[[/path/to/fano/app/public]]">
        Options -MultiViews +ExecCGI
        AllowOverride FileInfo Indexes
        Require all granted
        AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
        DirectoryIndex app.cgi

Replace [[server administrator email]] with administrator email for example, if we use domain name we can use

Replace [[fano application hostname]] with domain that we use, for example in this case, it is So when Apache receive request with URI it will match this virtual host entry and call our application.

Replace [[/path/to/fano/app/public]] with directory where our application binary reside. If you store it outside Apache document root directory, you need to specify with with <Directory>.

For example, if we store application binary in directory /home/myuser/myapp/public which outside Apache document root, we need to add Require directive to allow Apache to serve request from this directory, otherwise they will be rejected.

Above snippet basically tells Apache to allow (+ExecCGI) to serve any file ends with cgi extension as CGI script (AddHandler cgi-script .cgi). -MultiViews also important to disable automatic content negotiation because we need to add URL rewriting to allow use of routing in our application. So our application will be responsible to decide what response to return. You need to enable mod_rewrite module, otherwise, routing will not work. So in our example, we end up with following configuration:

<VirtualHost *:80>

    DocumentRoot "/home/myuser/myapp/public"

    <Directory "/home/myuser/myapp/public">
        Options -MultiViews +ExecCGI
        AllowOverride FileInfo Indexes
        Require all granted
        AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
        DirectoryIndex app.cgi

You need to make sure that app.cgi has execution bit. Read Executable binary file permission in Deployment for more information.

Save it as fano.conf file. Note that saving data to /etc/apache2/sites-available directory requires administrative privilege.

  • Enable virtual host

To make our virtual host active, put symlink in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled that points to /etc/apache2/sites-available/fano.conf.

$ sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/fano.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/fano.conf

or you can use a2ensite utility that comes with Debian distribution which does same thing.

$ sudo a2ensite fano.conf
  • Reload Apache service
$ sudo service apache2 reload

If configuraton is ok, Apache will load new configuration.

  • Setup domain name to DNS

If you have not register a domain name with domain name registrar, you can setup fake domain name for local development only by adding entry to /etc/hosts file. Open /etc/hosts and add following entry, with assumption that Apache run on same machine.

Fedora-based Linux

The difference between Debian and Fedora regarding Apache mostly about default service name (Debian uses apache2 and Fedora uses httpd), user which Apache run (Debian uses www-data user while Fedora uses apache) and default Apache configuration location.

  • Create virtual host

Apache main configuration is stored in /etc/httpd/httpd.conf. To add virtual host configuration, you can simply add entry to this file or prefered way is to create configuration in file /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory.

In Fedora and Apache 2.4, /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory will be search for additional configurations. So you can just create virtual host file inside this directory.

  • Reload Apache service

Tell Apache to load configuration by running

$ sudo systemctl reload httpd


This section explains how to deploy server that you have no full control and have very limited administrative privilege.

What you need to do is to copy executable binary into cgi-bin and any public files to public_html or public. You may want to make sure that relative path works correctly.


Nginx does not support running CGI program, only FastCGI. So either you create FastCGI program or use tools such fcgiwrap that allows you to run CGI program as FastCGI program.

Simulate run on command line

If you use Fano CLI to generate CGI web application, it will add tools/ bash script. It can be used to simplify simulating run application in shell.

For example,

$ ./tools/

or to change route to access, set REQUEST_URI variable.

$ REQUEST_URI=/test/test ./

or more elaborate call,

$ cd app/public
  REQUEST_URI=/test/test \ \

This is similar to simulating browser requesting this page,for example,

$ wget -O- http://[your fano app hostname]/test/test

However, running using tools/ allows you to view output of heaptrc unit for detecting memory leak (if you enable -gh switch in

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